گفتگو با کارشناسان

Sign up & purchase guide

Sign up & purchase guide

After choosing the sign up & purchase menu and also one of the SIM Card purchasing port, you will be enter to the following page. Then, by entering the information of this page like province, city, National ID code and finally security code, choose the next step option.

First Step: Select a product

In this step, you can select the product that you need. In the selecting SIM Card step, select one of the types of Postpaid or Prepaid SIM Cards.

Following the above steps, depending on the type of SIM Card and selected product, packages will be displayed to you that you can select the starter package you need from available packages.

Second Step: Entrance of information

First, in this step, the requested SIM Card size is selected. In the information field of the applicant, the “Information Entry” page must first set up your keyboard in Persian and then complete your information according to below. The information entered should be in accordance with the national ID card and birth certificate.
Family name:
Father’s Name:
ID: No dash
Place of Issue:
Date of Birth: In the form of day / month / year,
please also carefully fill out the other star requests.
Enter the email address in English.
Please note that completing items without a star, will help us to get more accurate information.

The package of SIM Card and purchased product will be sent to the address you enter in this section. So make sure the information in “Address for receiving SIM Card” is correct. In the end, after the above steps, click on the submit option.

Third Step: Confirmation of Information

At this point, all information entered by you will be displayed by you for confirmation. If you need correction, you can go back to the previous page by choosing “modify”. Otherwise, click on the confirmation option.

Fourth Step: Invoice and Deposit

In this step, the invoice is displayed. Pay online with all the accelerated bank cards by choosing one of the online banking ports.

Fifth Step: Receipts

In this step, after online payment, your payment receipt will be displayed. It should be noted that a SIM Card or SIM Card and modem package will be delivered to the Express post within 48 hours and will be delivered after 5 hours days