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RighTel and Myket cooperation

The partnership agreement allows RighTel subscribers to access and download various android applications with special discounts.

Direct access to Miket

By clicking on the icon below, download Myket application via Rightel Internet and enjoy watching the "Movies and Series" of this service for free.

Myket Service features

No need to purchase a subscription

(only for Rightel subscribers)

The availability to choose subtitle language

(Persian or English)

Online watching the most attractive and latest animations, movies and series with the best quality

Android OS compatibility

The availability to adjust the playback quality automatically, according to Internet speed

Sharing opinions with other users

Internet tariff of Myket Service

The Internet cost of accessing this service is deducted from the subscriber’s active package (normal or starter), according to the subscription type of Rightel user in Myket.

  • Rightel subscribers who watch Myket’s “Movies and Series” section without purchasing subscription, the cost of their consumption volume will be calculated full price.
  • Rightel subscribers who watch Myket’s “Movies and Series” section by purchasing a subscription, the cost of their consumption volume will be calculated half price.

In the case of using VPN, the internet traffic will be calculated full price.


Support number: 021-45637000
Support working hours: 24/7 non-stop support



Dear subscriber, the aforementioned services are provided by a sister company to Rightel. To get support services please use the ticket section ONLY.